Friday, November 9, 2007

All For Tolerable Environement

Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.
.. Stewart Udall

The Earth is what we all have in common.
.. Wendell Berry

What is the use of a house, if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on
.. Henry David Thoreau

Diwali is a festival of light, not pollution. The bigger you make it.. the more you pollute.

It's your call; the unsaid promise to Earth. Make it or Break it.

Acc. to Wikipedia:

The Supreme Court of India, observing that "the right to peaceful sleep is a fundamental right of the citizens, has banned firecrackers between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. during the Dashara and Diwali festivals. While strict enforcement of this ban is not yet in place, the effect has nevertheless been very positive.

The Central Pollution Control Board of India has banned firecrackers with a decibel level of more than 125 at a distance of 4 meters from the bursting point. There have also been state-level efforts to ban the very loud "hydrogen bombs" fireworks.It is said that one big firecracker produces 250cc of smoke.

Forget about the environment, think about yourselves?

Fireworks can be Toxic to humans
Depending on the effect sought, fireworks produce smoke and dust that contain various heavy metals, sulfur-coal compounds and other noxious chemicals. Barium, for instance, is used to produce brilliant green colors in fireworks displays, despite being poisonous and radioactive. Copper compounds are used to produce blue colors, even though they contain dioxin, which has been linked to cancer. Cadmium, lithium, antimony, rubidium, strontium, lead and potassium nitrate are also commonly used to produce different effects, even though they can cause a host of respiratory and other health problems.

"Fire crackers do create sudden sound that causes sudden hump in the usual sound waves we have been exposed to. This sudden wave can rip our eardrums.. and even cause heart attacks"


Anonymous said...

that is one reason i gave up "celebrating" diwali few years back, must be 5.

heck, not even us, even pets, it can harm them very bad. pets have been known to jump from buildings, from the apartments, that is, due to fear.

the noise isnt worth it, even if you won the world cup. scream instead.

Asmi Saxena said...

True true.. :)